Thursday, 26 September 2024


Konkan Railway Corporation Limited has liberated a job advertisement regarding KRCL Recruitment 2024. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 33 posts of Technician, Jr. Technical Assistant. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by attending walk-in interview on or before the last date (8th October 2024). To get further information regarding KRCL Recruitment 2024, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of KRCL Recruitment 2024:

Organization / Division Name: Konkan Railway Corporation Limited 

  Job Role: Technician, Jr. Technical Assistant 

 Looking for => Railway Jobs 

  Number of Vacant Posts: 33

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Junior Technical Assistant - 10
2. Technician - 23

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold ITI, Diploma, Degree from an accredited board / university / institute. 


Age Limitation:
  • Aspirant’s age should be in the range of 35 Years counted from 01-08-2024.
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Selection Criteria:
    Contenders looking for this job will be chosen according to their performance in Group Discussion, Interview.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 35,400/- (Post 1), Rs. 25,500/- (Post 2) Per Month 

  How to Apply: Aspirants should have to Attend Walkin Interview along with copies of the credentials demanded in the format as mentioned in organization official website at the address specified below on 8th October 2024 


Executive Club, Konkan Rail Vihar, Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd., Near Seawoods Railway Station, Sector-40, Seawoods (West), Navi Mumbai.

Important Date: 

Date of Interview : 08-10-2024. 

  official Website :

Konkan Railway Corporation Limited has liberated a job advertisement regarding KRCL Recruitment 2024. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 190 posts of Station Master, Assistant Loco Pilot. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting online application form on or before the last date (6th October 2024). To get further information regarding KRCL Recruitment 2024, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of KRCL Recruitment 2024:

Organization / Division Name: Konkan Railway Corporation Limited 

Job Role: Station Master, Assistant Loco Pilot 

Looking for => Railway Jobs 

Number of Vacant Posts: 190

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Senior Section Engineer - 05
2. Technician-III - 15
3. Assistant Loco Pilot - 15
4. Senior Section Engineer - 05
5. Track Maintainer - 35
6. Technician-III - 20
7. Station Master - 10
8. Goods Train Manager - 05
9. Points Man - 60
10. ESTM-III - 15
11. Commercial Supervisor - 05

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold 10th, 12th, ITI, Diploma, Graduation Degree, Bachelor's Degree from an accredited board / university / institute. 

Age Limitation:
  • Aspirant’s age should be in the range of 18 to 36 Years counted from 01-08-2024.
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Selection Criteria:
    Contenders looking for this job will be chosen according to their performance in Computer-Based Aptitude Test/OMR-based Aptitude Test, Document Verification, Physical Efficiency Test, Medical Examination.
Application Fee:
  • Application fee for the GEN / OBC Candidates is Rs. 885/-
  • Application Fee is exempted for SC/ST/EX-S/Female/Minorities/EBC/PwBD Candidates.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 44900/- (Post 1,2), Rs. 35400/- (Post 3,4), Rs. 29200/- (Post 5), Rs. 19900/- (Post 6-9), Rs. 18000/- (Post 10,11) Per Month. 

How to Apply: Aspirants should visit the official website of the organization i.e. and fill online application form with all details regarding your name, address, qualification details, experience details, upload photograph & signature etc and submit online form before 6th October 2024 

Important Date: 

Starting Date / Ending Date for Online Application form Is : 16-09-2024 to 06-10-2024. 

official Website :


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1 comment:

  1. Strom könnte heute durchaus das wichtigste Gut in einem typischen Haus sein. Wenn der Strom ausfällt und Sie einen elektrischen Fehler entdecken, könnten Sie versucht sein, das Problem selbst zu beheben. Dies könnte ein Fehler sein, der kostspielig und sogar tödlich sein kann. Daher ist es wichtig, einen zuverlässigen Notarzt in Ihrer Telefonliste zu haben, falls etwas schief geht. elektriker notdienst


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