Monday, 23 January 2017

Education Research and Development organisation has liberated a job advertisement regarding ERDO Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 14732 posts of Education Officer, Basic Tuition Teacher. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting online application form on or before the last date (13th February 2017).
To get further information regarding ERDO Recruitment 2017, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of ERDO Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: Education Research and Development organisation

Job Role: Education Officer, Basic Tuition Teacher

Looking for => Teaching Jobs

Number of Vacant Posts: 14732

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. District Education Officer
2. Block Education Officer
3. Basic Tuition Teacher

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold Graduation Degree, Post Graduation Degree, B.Ed /BTC / BPEd / JBT / NTC / PTT, M.Ed, M.A education, M.Phil& Ph.D from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Aspirant’s age should be in the range of 24 to 45 Years (for DEC), 22 to 45 Years (for BEC), 21 to 45 Years (for BTT).
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Selection Criteria:
    Contenders looking for this job will be chosen according to their performance in Written Exam, Interview.
Application Fee:
  • Application fee for the GEN / OBC Candidates is 600/-(Post 1,2), 450/-(Post 3).
  • Application fee for the ST/ SC Candidates is 400/-(Post 1,2), 250/- (Post 3).
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 20200/-(for DEC), Rs. 14450/-(for BEC), Rs. 7200/-(for BTT). Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should visit the official website of the organization i.e. and fill online application form with all details regarding your name, address, qualification details, experience details, upload photograph & signature etc and submit online form before 13th February 2017.

Important Date: Ending Date for Online Application form Is : 13-02-2017.

official Website :


Friday, 20 January 2017

National Health Mission Rajasthan has liberated a job advertisement regarding NHM Rajasthan Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 110 posts of Specialist. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting offline application form on or before the last date (6th February 2017).
To get further information regarding NHM Rajasthan Recruitment 2017, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of NHM Rajasthan Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: National Health Mission Rajasthan

Job Role: Specialist

Looking for => Medical Jobs

Number of Vacant Posts: 110

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Specialist - 110

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold MBBS with Post Graduate (MS / MD) from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Age of the candidate should be less or equal to 65 years counted from 31-01-2017.
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 80,000/-. Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should visit the official website i.e. of the organization and download the required application form. Aspirants have to fill this form correctly attach the copies of the credentials demanded in the form. In the end, post the application form (filled completely by the aspirant) at the address specified below before 06-02-2017.


To Director-RCH, Directorate of Medical, Health and Family Welfare, State Health Society (NHM), Swasthya Bhawan, Tilak Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302005

Important Date: Ending Date for Receving offline Application form Is : 06-02-2017.

official Website :

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Jammu Kashmir Police has liberated a job advertisement regarding Jammu Kashmir Police Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 698 posts of Sub Inspector. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting online application form on or before the last date (16th February 2017).
To get further information regarding Jammu Kashmir Police Recruitment 2017, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of Jammu Kashmir Police Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: Jammu Kashmir Police

Job Role: Sub Inspector

Looking for => Police Jobs

Number of Vacant Posts: 698

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Sub Inspector (Executive/ Armed) - 658
2. Sub Inspector (Telecommunication Wing) - 40

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold Graduation Degree from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Aspirant’s age should be in the range of 18 to 28 years counted from 01-01-2016.
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Selection Criteria:
    Contenders looking for this job will be chosen according to their performance in Written Exam, Interview/personality assessment test.
Application Fee:
  • Application fee for the all Candidates is 300/-.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 9300 - 34,800/- along with the Grade Pay which is decided as Rs. 4200/-. Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should visit the official website of the organization i.e. and fill online application form with all details regarding your name, address, qualification details, experience details, upload photograph & signature etc and submit online form before 16th February 2017.

Important Date: Ending Date for Online Application form Is : 16-02-2017.

official Website :

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Thakur Pyarelal Institute of Panchayat & Rural Development has liberated a job advertisement regarding TPIPRD Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 04 posts of Faculty Member. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting offline application form on or before the last date (27th January 2017).
To get further information regarding TPIPRD Recruitment 2017, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of TPIPRD Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: Thakur Pyarelal Institute of Panchayat & Rural Development

Job Role: Faculty Member

Number of Vacant Posts: 04

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Faculty Member - 04

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold Post Graduation Degree, Master Degree, Ph.D. from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Aspirant’s age should be in the range of 28 to 45 Years counted from 01-01-2017.
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Selection Criteria:
    Contenders looking for this job will be chosen according to their performance in Written Exam / Skill Test / Interview.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 15600 - 39100/- along with the Grade Pay which is decided as Rs. 7600/-. Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should visit the official website i.e. of the organization and download the required application form. Aspirants have to fill this form correctly attach the copies of the credentials demanded in the form. In the end, post the application form (filled completely by the aspirant) at the address specified below before 27-01-2017.


Thakur Pyarelal Institute of Panchayat & Rural Development, Nimora, Raipur, Chhattisgarh PIN - 492016

Important Date: Ending Date for Receving offline Application form Is : 27-01-2017.

official Website :
Central Government Health Scheme has liberated a job advertisement regarding CGHS Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 11 posts of Staff Nurse. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting offline application form on or before the last date (20th February 2017).
To get further information regarding CGHS Recruitment 2017, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of CGHS Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: Central Government Health Scheme

Job Role: Staff Nurse

Number of Vacant Posts: 11

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Staff Nurse Grade-I - 06
2. Pharmacist (Allopathic) - 05

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold 12th, Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery and Pharmacy from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Aspirant’s age should be in the range of 21 to 35 Years (Post 1), 18 to 35 Years (Post 2).
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Selection Criteria:
    Contenders looking for this job will be chosen according to their performance in Written Exam, Personal Interview.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 9300 - 34800/- along with the Grade Pay which is decided as Rs. 4600/-(Post 1), Rs. 5200 - 20200/- along with the Grade Pay which is decided as Rs. 2800/-(Post 2),. Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should visit the official website i.e. of the organization and download the required application form. Aspirants have to fill this form correctly attach the copies of the credentials demanded in the form. In the end, post the application form (filled completely by the aspirant) at the address specified below before 20-02-2017.


The Additional Director, Central Govt. Health Scheme, A. K. Azad Road, Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati - 781016

Important Date: Ending Date for Receving offline Application form Is : 20-02-2017.

official Website :

Monday, 16 January 2017

Women, Child, Disabled and Senior Citizen Department has liberated a job advertisement regarding WCDSCD Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 26 posts of Data Entry Operator, Village Coordinators. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting offline application form on or before the last date (30th January 2017).
To get further information regarding WCDSCD Recruitment 2017, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of WCDSCD Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: Women, Child, Disabled and Senior Citizen Department

Job Role: Data Entry Operator, Village Coordinators

Number of Vacant Posts: 26

Post Wise Detailed Information:

District convergence cum facilitation Centre (DCFC):
1. District Coordinator - 01
2. Data Entry Operator - 02
3. Support Staff - 01

Block Level convergence cum Facilitation Centre (TCFC)
4. Tahasil/ Mandal Coordinator - 01
5. Support Staff - 01

Village Level Convergence cum Facilitation Centers (VCFC)
6. Village Coordinators - 20

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold 10th/12th, Graduation Degree, Master’s Degree from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Age of the candidate should be less or equal to 45 years (Post 1,4,,6), 35 years (Post 2).
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 22000/-(Post 1), Rs. 8000/-(Post 2), Rs. 10000/-(Post 4), Rs. 4000/-(Post 6). Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should visit the official website i.e. of the organization and download the required application form. Aspirants have to fill this form correctly attach the copies of the credentials demanded in the form. In the end, post the application form (filled completely by the aspirant) at the address specified below before 30-01-2017.

District Welfare Officer, Women,Child,Disabled and Senior Citizen
Department, Collectorate Complex, Nalgonda

Important Date: Ending Date for Receving offline Application form Is : 30-01-2017.

official Website :

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan has liberated a job advertisement regarding Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 10 posts of Lower Division Clerk. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting offline application form on or before the last date (5th February 2017).
To get further information regarding Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Recruitment 2017, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan

Job Role: Lower Division Clerk

Number of Vacant Posts: 10

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Lower Division Clerk - 10

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold 12th from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Age of the candidate should be less or equal to 30 years.
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Selection Criteria:
    Contenders looking for this job will be chosen according to their performance in Written Test / Skill Test.
Application Fee:
  • Application fee for the GEN / OBC Candidates is 200/-.
  • Application Fee is exempted for SC/ST/PWD/Women Candidates.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 5200 - 20200/- along with the Grade Pay which is decided as Rs. 1900/-. Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should visit the official website i.e. of the organization and download the required application form. Aspirants have to fill this form correctly attach the copies of the credentials demanded in the form. In the end, post the application form (filled completely by the aspirant) at the address specified below before 05-02-2017.


Registrar I/c, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, 56-57 Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi–110 058

Important Date: Ending Date for Receving offline Application form Is : 05-02-2017.

official Website :

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan has liberated a job advertisement regarding Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 29 posts of Stenographer, Professor, Officer. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting offline application form on or before the last date (25th January 2017).
To get further information regarding Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Recruitment 2016, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan

Job Role: Stenographer, Professor, Officer

Number of Vacant Posts: 29

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Professor - 01
2. Associate Professor - 04
3. Assistant Professor - 08
4. Assistant Director - 02
5. Controller of Examination - 01
6. Project Officer - 01
7. Deputy Controller (Examination) - 01
8. Deputy Director (Academic) - 01
9. Assistant Director (Correspondence Course) - 01
10. Accounts Officer (Internal Audit) - 01
11. Section Officer - 02
12. Curator - 01
13. Stenographer Grade -I 01
14. Stenographer Grade-II - 04

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold 12th, Graduation Degree, B.Ed and M.Ed, ICWA/CA/SAS/CS, Master’s Degree, Ph.D from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Age of the candidate should be less or equal to 55 Years (Post 5), 45Years (Post 6-8), 35 Years (Post 9-13), 30 Years (Post 14) counted from 25-01-2017.
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Selection Criteria:
    Contenders looking for this job will be chosen according to their performance in Written Exam / Skill Test / Interview, Physical Fitness Test.
Application Fee:
  • Application fee for the GEN / OBC Candidates is 200/-.
  • Application Fee is exempted for SC/ST/PWD/Women Candidates.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 37400 - 67000/- along with the Grade Pay which is decided as Rs. 10,000/9000/-(Post 1,2,5), Rs. 15600 - 39100/- along with the Grade Pay which is decided as Rs. 6000/-(Post 3,4,6-8), Rs. 9300 - 34800/- along with the Grade Pay which is decided as Rs. 5400/4200/-(Post 9-13), Rs. 5200 - 20200/- along with the Grade Pay which is decided as Rs. 2400/4200/-(Post 14). Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should visit the official website i.e. of the organization and download the required application form. Aspirants have to fill this form correctly attach the copies of the credentials demanded in the form. In the end, post the application form (filled completely by the aspirant) at the address specified below before 25-01-2017.


Registrar I/c, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University), 56-57, Institutional Area,
Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058

Important Date: Ending Date for Receving offline Application form Is : 25-01-2017.

official Website :

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