Saturday, 4 November 2017

Information Kerala Mission has liberated a job advertisement regarding IKM Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 05 posts of Senior Developer, Quality Manager. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting online application form on or before the last date (20th November 2017).
To get further information regarding IKM Recruitment 2017, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of IKM Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: Information Kerala Mission

Job Role: Senior Developer, Quality Manager

Number of Vacant Posts: 05

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Senior Developer - 03
2. Quality Manager - 01
3. Junior Database Expert - 01

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold  Graduation Degree, B-Tech (C S / IT / ECE) or MCA from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Age of the candidate should be less or equal to 50 Years.
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Selection Criteria:
    Contenders looking for this job will be chosen according to their performance in Interview.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 60,000 - 80,000/-(Post 1), Rs. 80,000 - 1,00,000/-(Post 2), Rs. 30,000 - 50,000/-(Post 3). Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should have to fill this form correctly attach the copies of the credentials demanded in the form. In the end, post the application form (filled completely by the aspirant) at the email address specified below before 20th November 2017. Aspirants are advised to visit www.infokerala.orgofficial website of the organization time to time for more updates.

Email Address:

Important Date: Ending Date for Online Application form Is : 20-11-2017.

official Website :


National Research Centre on Pomegranate has liberated a job advertisement regarding NRCP Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the posts of Computer Operator, Research Associate. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by attending walk-in interview on or before the last date (22nd November 2017).
To get further information regarding NRCP Recruitment 2017, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of NRCP Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: National Research Centre on Pomegranate

Job Role: Computer Operator, Research Associate

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Research Associate
2. Computer Operator
3. Senior Research Fellow

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold 12th, M.Sc. (Agri.) in Plant Pathology/ Plant Protection/ Entomology/ Botany, Nematology/ Plant Pathology/ Zoology/ Life Science from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Age of the candidate should be less or equal to 35 Years.
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Selection Criteria:
    Contenders looking for this job will be chosen according to their performance in Personal Interview.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 38000/-(Post 1), Rs. 10050/-(Post 2), Rs. 25000/-(Post 3). Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should have to Attend Walkin Interview along with copies of the credentials demanded in the format as mentioned in organization official website at the address specified below on 22nd November 2017.


ICAR-National Research Centre on Pomegranate, NH-65, SolapurPune Highway, Kegaon, Solapur 413 255.

Important Date: Walkin Interview Date : 22-11-2017.

official Website :

Friday, 3 November 2017

State Adoption Resource Agency has liberated a job advertisement regarding SARA Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 01 posts of Programme Assistant. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting offline application form on or before the last date (13th November 2017).
To get further information regarding SARA Recruitment 2017, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of SARA Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: State Adoption Resource Agency

Job Role: Programme Assistant

Number of Vacant Posts: 01

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Programme Assistant - 01

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold Graduation Degree from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Aspirant’s age should be in the range of 40 to 62 Years.
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 10,000/-. Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should visit the official website i.e. of the organization and download the required application form. Aspirants have to fill this form correctly attach the copies of the credentials demanded in the form. In the end, post the application form (filled completely by the aspirant) at the address specified below before 13-11-2017.


State Adoption Resource Agency (SARA) Department of Social Defence, No.300, Purasawalkam High Road, Kellys, Chennai – 600 010.

Important Date: Ending Date for Receving offline Application form Is : 13-11-2017.

official Website :

Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment has liberated a job advertisement regarding CVRDE Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 146 posts of Apprentices. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting online application form on or before the last date (26th November 2017).
To get further information regarding CVRDE Recruitment 2017, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of CVRDE Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment

Job Role: Apprentices

Looking for => Defence Jobs

Number of Vacant Posts: 146

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Auto Electrician - 02
2. Carpenter - 03
3. Copa (Computer Operater and Programming Assistant) - 35
4. Draughts Man (Mechanical) - 10
5. Electrician - 20
6. Fitter - 35
7. Machinist - 13
8. Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) - 15
9. Turner - 07
10. Welder (G & E) - 06

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold ITI from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Selection Criteria:
    Contenders looking for this job will be chosen according to their performance in Personal Interview.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 8609/- (COPA & Welder), Rs. 8609/- (Carpenter First Year) and Rs. 9008/- (Carpenter Second Year), Rs. 9008/- (For other Trades). Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should visit the official website of the organization i.e. and fill online application form with all details regarding your name, address, qualification details, experience details, upload photograph & signature etc and submit online form before 26th November 2017.

Important Date: Ending Date for Online Application form Is : 26-11-2017.

official Website :
Zila Panchayat Surguja has liberated a job advertisement regarding Zila Panchayat Surguja Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 14 posts of Technical Assistant, Data Entry Operator. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting offline application form on or before the last date (15th November 2017).
To get further information regarding Zila Panchayat Surguja Recruitment 2017, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of Zila Panchayat Surguja Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: Zila Panchayat Surguja

Job Role: Technical Assistant, Data Entry Operator

Number of Vacant Posts: 14

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Technical Assistant - 07
2. Data Entry Operator - 07

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold 12th, Diploma, BE/B.Tech from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Aspirant’s age should be in the range of 21 to 35 Years.
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Selection Criteria:
    Contenders looking for this job will be chosen according to their performance in Merit List and Skill Test.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 23,010/-(Post 1), Rs. 16,445/-(Post 2). Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should visit the official website i.e. of the organization and download the required application form. Aspirants have to fill this form correctly attach the copies of the credentials demanded in the form. In the end, post the application form (filled completely by the aspirant) at the address specified below before 15-11-2017.

Chief executive officer, Zila Panchayat Surguja

Important Date: Ending Date for Receving offline Application form Is : 15-11-2017.

official Website :

Kerala Tourism Development Corporation Limited has liberated a job advertisement regarding KTDC Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the Various posts of Chef . Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting offline application form on or before the last date (6th November 2017).
To get further information regarding KTDC Recruitment 2017, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of KTDC Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: Kerala Tourism Development Corporation Limited

Job Role: Chef

Number of Vacant Posts: Various

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Chef

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold Diploma, Graduation Degree from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Aspirant’s age should be in the range of 30 to 55 Years.
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Selection Criteria:
    Contenders looking for this job will be chosen according to their performance in Written Exam/ Interview.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 60,000/-. Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should have to fill this form correctly attach the copies of the credentials demanded in the form. In the end, post the application form (filled completely by the aspirant) at the address specified below before 6th November 2017. Aspirants are advised to visit www.ktdc.comofficial website of the organization time to time for more updates.


The Managing Director Kerala Tourism Development Corporation Limited Mascot square PB No.5424 Thiruvananthapuram - 33

Important Date: Ending Date for Receving offline Application form Is : 06-11-2017.

official Website :

Collector Office Bhilwara has liberated a job advertisement regarding Collector Office Bhilwara Recruitment 2017. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 44 posts of Junior Technical Assistant, Accounts Assistant. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting offline application form on or before the last date (30th November 2017).
To get further information regarding Collector Office Bhilwara Recruitment 2017, you should visit the below advertisement where you will get information about Selection Procedure, Pay Scale, Application Fee and much more.

Information of Collector Office Bhilwara Recruitment 2017:

Organization / Division Name: Collector Office Bhilwara

Job Role: Junior Technical Assistant, Accounts Assistant

Number of Vacant Posts: 44

Post Wise Detailed Information:

1. Junior Technical Assistant - 22
2. Accounts Assistant - 22

Primary Qualification: Individuals looking for this job should hold Diploma/Degree in Civil Engineering, B.E/ B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, B.Com, C.A./ICWA/CS from an accredited board / university / institute.

Age Limitation:
  • Aspirant’s age should be in the range of 21 to 35 Years.
  • Relaxation in age limit is provided to the candidates belong to reserved category, according to the organizational regulation.
Selection Criteria:
    Contenders looking for this job will be chosen according to their performance in Merit List.
Salary and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will get the attractive salary package of Rs. 8000/-(For Post 1,2). Per month

How to Apply: Aspirants should visit the official website i.e. of the organization and download the required application form. Aspirants have to fill this form correctly attach the copies of the credentials demanded in the form. In the end, post the application form (filled completely by the aspirant) at the address specified below before 30-11-2017.

District Programme Coordinator & District Collector, Bhilawara

Important Date: Ending Date for Receving offline Application form Is : 30-11-2017.

official Website :

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