Friday, 3 January 2020

Jharkhand Home Defence Corps has liberated a job advertisement regarding JHDC Recruitment 2020. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 1021 posts of Home Guard. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting online application form on or before the last date (30th January 2020). To get further information regarding JHDC Recruitment 2020, you should visit the below...

Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Limited has liberated a job advertisement regarding DGVCL Recruitment 2020. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 75 posts of Vidyut Sahayak. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting online application form on or before the last date (22nd January 2020). To get further information regarding DGVCL Recruitment 2020, you should visit...

Thursday, 2 January 2020

North Delhi Municipal Corporation has liberated a job advertisement regarding NDMC Recruitment 2020. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 331 posts of Teacher. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting online application form on or before the last date (15th January 2020). To get further information regarding NDMC Recruitment 2020, you should visit the below...
Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited has liberated a job advertisement regarding IRSDC Recruitment 2020. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 08 posts of Engineers, Architects, Accountants. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by attending walk-in interview on or before the last date (10th & 14th January 2020). To get further information regarding...

Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Manipur State Power Distribution Company Ltd has liberated a job advertisement regarding MSPDCL Recruitment 2019. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 23 posts of Assistant Manager. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting offline application form on or before the last date (12th January 2020). To get further information regarding MSPDCL Recruitment 2019, you...
Zilla Parishad Aurangabad has liberated a job advertisement regarding Zilla Parishad Aurangabad Recruitment 2019. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 22 posts of Primary Education Servant. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting offline application form on or before the last date (6th January 2020). To get further information regarding Zilla Parishad Aurangabad...
Zilla Parishad, Kolhapur has liberated a job advertisement regarding Zilla Parishad, Kolhapur Recruitment 2019. The organization invites applications from Skilled and capable candidates to fill up the 06 posts of Junior Assistant, Gram Sevak. Desired aspirants who are willing to secure their job may apply by submitting offline application form on or before the last date (6th January 2020). To get further information regarding Zilla Parishad, Kolhapur...

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